Dharmadhikari understands and maintains the Sampradaaya of that parampara according to the Dharmashastras of that Institution. There are 10000 sampradaayas and also Deva dharma, Gandharva dharma, Manushya dharma, Rakshasa dharma, Preta dharma and so on.
Vision, Mission & Objectives:
Bring Dharma as cool, stylish, acceptable, practical and practiced in daily life aspects, globally, at each nook and corner.
An institution can be:
- a temple
- an ashram
- kalakshetram
- a contract or agreement
- Marriage
- Family
- Relationships
- Gurukul
- Panchayat
- Desha
- Rajya
- Business
Dharmadhikari envisions the next steps or gaps. Understanding the strategic and tactical steps to be taken and the after effects (for the short & long term) of each action, with the ability to measure the micro level niche impact and macro level geopolitical impact.
Dharmadhikari is:
- person
- group
- organization
- the system
- the structure
or a combination of these
Empowering Dharma
Dharma to BE all alone, or in combination with:
- Artha:
- Kaama:
- Moksha:
Strengthening Dharma inclusively and exclusively
Arthasya moolam Dharma:
expertise in Arthashastras
Anything that has value is Artha related like property, business, entrepreneurship, money & prosperity matters. Daanyam, Dhanam, Pashum, Puthr, Arogya, Ayush, Wealth, Relationships, Guru, Sangha, Linga.
Kaamasya moolam Dharma:
expertise in Kaamashastras (is ideally for the mass)
Marriage, family, relatives, relationships, wishes and desires in life, Parks, Sports. Temples, Ashrams, Gaushaala, Kshetram, Kala, Anna, Vaidya, Vidya, Vastra, Gurukul, Granthaalaya used for (any other purposes other than Moksha) relaxation, enjoyment, celebration, fun, seduction, desire. Pop & Cinematic music. Style. Fashion. Attraction. Junk Food, Fusion Food. If ever the udheshya lakshya of the people wanting to experience Artha & Kaama is for Moksha, then the Dharmadhikari expert of Moksha also be consulted.
Mokshasya moolam Dharma:
expertise in Mokshashastras (is ideally for the class)
Temples, Ashrams, Gaushaala, Sathram, Kshetram, Kala, Anna, Vaidya, Vidya, Vastra, Gurukul, Granthaalaya. Carnatic Music. Temple Arts. Certain Temples and Temple Arts and Rituals can also be used for Artha & Kaama. The udheshya lakshya is important and if the devotees or customers have udheshya of Artha or Kaama, then Dharmadhikari having expertise in Artha & Kaama would also be consulted to provide the services.